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Coalition Applauds Operational Technology Focus Within House Homeland Security Appropriations Bill Report

Operational Technology Cybersecurity Coalition, applauded Congressional interest in ensuring the mandatory inventory of federal operational technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) assets, and including them in the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program run by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency:

“Congress’s engagement in oversight of these requirements sends a clear signal that securing our nation’s operational technology is a priority and represents a significant step in strengthening the cyber resiliency of U.S. critical infrastructure. The Biden Administration took the first step by issuing these directives, and Congressional support and oversight of the requirements is welcome.
“This forward-thinking step facilitates a robust baseline for monitoring threats to federal infrastructure. And the integration of IoT and OT assets into the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program will help to diminish the threat surface, increase the visibility of the federal cybersecurity risks, and bolster the overall response capabilities to cyber threats. We encourage Congress to continue to provide oversight to ensure all updated security requirements for OT and industrial control systems are fully implemented.”


On page 63 of the bill report, the committee states:

Operational Technology. — The Committee is aware of government directives for Federal agencies to inventory their Internet of Things (IoT) and OT by the end of fiscal year 2024 to pursue full asset visibility and abide by updated Federal information security requirements. The Committee is also encouraged by CISA’s increased focus on the cybersecurity posture of OT and Industrial Control Systems. Inventorying allows agencies to establish a baseline to enable monitoring and detecting unauthorized, abnormal, or potentially malicious activities. Requiring agencies to incorporate IoT and OT assets into the CDM program helps reduce agency threat surface, increase visibility into the Federal cybersecurity posture, and improve Federal cybersecurity response capabilities. The Committee directs CISA to include information on the status and planned actions to secure IoT and OT assets as part of the CDM program during the required semiannual Cybersecurity Technology and Services briefing.

The bill and report will be marked up by the full House Appropriations Committee on June 12 and is expected to be considered on the House floor in the coming weeks.



About the OT Cyber Coalition         

The Operational Technology Cybersecurity Coalition is a diverse group of leading cybersecurity vendors dedicated to improving the cybersecurity of OT environments. Representing the entire OT lifecycle, the OT Cyber Coalition believes that the strongest, most effective approach to securing our nation’s critical infrastructure is one that is open, vendor-neutral, and allows for diverse solutions and information sharing without compromising cybersecurity defenses. For more information, visit


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